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Jessica Cohn Rattle
California poet Jessica Cohn touches the early days of shelter-in-place “when hope was/a shell game.”

Organize a Worker Fightback in the Face of the COVID-19

Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker and Gene Elk Working In These Times
Now is the time for all labor organizations committed to forging a better society for working people to step up and help launch workers into the kinds of fights needed to win that future.


Organize a Worker Fightback in the Face of the COVID-19

Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker and Gene Elk Working In These Times
Now is the time for all labor organizations committed to forging a better society for working people to step up and help launch workers into the kinds of fights needed to win that future.

Friday Nite Videos | April 10, 2020

One America News | John Oliver. John Prine | That's How Every Empire Falls. Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic. Bernie Talks to Colbert About Health Care As a Human Right. We Clap Because We Care: New Yorkers Applaud Health Care Workers.

One America News | John Oliver

One America News is a far-right news network embraced by President Trump at his coronavirus press briefings. John Oliver takes a look at who they are, how they report, and why they could be a big problem during the pandemic.

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