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Starve the Beast, Feed the Depression

Paul Krugman New York Times
“Starve the beast” — forcing governments to cut services by depriving them of resources — has been Republican strategy for decades. This is just more of the same.

How Did the U.S. End Up with Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags?

Susan B. Glasser The New Yorker
America watched, shocked, as doctors and nurses pleaded for protective gear and medical equipment such as ventilators. What followed was an inside glimpse of the dysfunction emanating from Trump's Washington in the midst of the pandemic

The Coronavirus and the Crisis This Time

Sam Gindin Socialist Project
The crisis this time is unique in an especially topsy-turvy way. In past capitalist crises, the state intervened to try and get the economy going again. This time, the is not on how to revive the economy, but how to further restrict it.

Tidbits - Apr.16, 2020 - Reader Comments: COVID Crisis: Congress Must Lead; This is Our Future; Massive Unemployment, Third of Young People Lost Jobs; Sanders Campaign; How Fragile Capitalism Was; Bailout the Pension System; Workers Fightback; Farm Crisis

Reader Comments: COVID Crisis: Congress Must Lead; This is Our Future; Massive Unemployment-One-Third of Young People Lost Jobs; Sanders Campaign; Crisis Exposes How Fragile Capitalism Was; Bailout the Pension System; Workers Fight Back; Farm Crisis;

How China Broke the Chain of Infection

Vijay Prashad, Weiyan Zhu and Du Xiaojun Independent Media Institute
As information about coronavirus emerged, the Chinese government and Chinese society began to organize an immense campaign against its spread.
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