"People across the country—and across party lines—want corporate giants and their enablers held to account," says advocacy group, citing fresh survey data.
"A large across-the-board increase in interest rates is a cure worse than the disease," says economist Joseph Stiglitz. "That might dampen inflation if it is taken far enough, but it will also ruin people's lives."
The Bronx apartment fire that recently killed 17 people was a devastating tragedy. It is also the entirely predictable outcome of a housing market that forces tenants to grovel for basic repairs while landlords rule as something close to kings.
By striking down the CDC's eviction moratorium, said one critic, the Supreme Court "sided with rich corporate landlords that are itching to kick out vulnerable families."
Briggs & Stratton's demise directly resulted from its executives’ mismanagement, greed and pathological animosity towards the unionized workers who had made them rich.
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