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NYT’s Africa: A Place of Failure and No Leadership

Siyanda Mohutsiwa FAIR
The New York Times, by portraying Africa as a place of failure and no leadership, participates in the White Savior Industrial complex and the NGO pyramid scheme in keeping the Global North in position of dominance over their “former colonies."

Friday Nite Videos | April 16, 2021

'The Talk' That Every Black Family Has About Police. Exterminate All the Brutes | Trailer. Visual Forensics: 78 Minutes of an Insurrection. The Ironclad Witch Hunt Against Matt Gaetz. Exploring Timelapse in Google Earth.

Lessons from a Big, Flawed Story About the New York Public School System

Alexandria Neason Columbia Journalism Review
Public School #10, Brooklyn, New York. Alexandria Neason critiques a widely circulated article by Atlantic writer George Packer on his experience with New York public schools, and how the lack of diversity in its ranks allows the media to easily label one experience as emblematic of many.

The All-White Media Oligopoly and the False Promise of a Press for All

Aaron Miguel Cantú The Baffler
A chart showing the monopolization of the media. The segregated mainstream media is a force of interlocking interests invested in sustaining the existing racial hierarchy. Trump’s racist administration hasn’t just been good for Fox and Breitbart; it has also boosted media profits across the board.
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