Whether fighting to unionize or exercising the right to accept or reject negotiated contracts, workers are nurturing democracy where we most need it. If we are to save our political democracy, we must begin by establishing a beachhead for democracy in the workplace.
Throughout the United States, racial separation remains a common feature of collective life. The consequences are significant for left political organizing aimed at building a multiracial working-class majority.
Our arcane districting process divides and polarizes us and has effectively extinguished competitive elections for most Americans. We urge Congress to adopt inclusive, multi-member districts with proportional representation.
The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, while in the custody of Iranian morals police, has sparked a new wave of street demands for democracy. Iranian rulers are targeting the population they are most scared of: Women.
"We've got to get people in government who actually believe in government," said the Washington Democrat, "and who believe in democracy, believe in voting, believe in our Constitution."
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