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Media Bits and Bytes - July 30, 2019

Antitrust Probe; Dystopian Data Doc; Power, Privilege and Resistance; Mega Merger; CIA vs Journalists; Sanders and Corbyn Get the Short End; Silicon Valley Socialists

If You Don’t Share This Immediately the World Will Explode

James Turner OurKingdom
Is there too much hyperbole in digital activism? Should activists really follow the rules of modern marketing in online movements? James Turner, a senior strategist for Greenpeace International, asks whether all the online "urgency" risks damaging public trust at a time when activists have an opportunity to build a new model of participation. He argues activists should replace the cynical tricks of commerce with appeals that are more honest and participatory.


Culture After Google

Emilie Bickerton New Left Review #92 (Second Series), March-April 2015
Anatomy of a cultural product with the potential to ameliorate social inequities but threatened by digital corporate conglomeration and hijacking by the security state. Book covers the implications for cultural democracy in various sectors-music, film, news, advertising-how battles over copyright, piracy and privacy laws have evolved, counterpoints to invasive data-mining and a "People's Platform" supporting the politics of a fightback.
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