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Friday Nite Videos -- October 18, 2013

A Better Place | Playing For Change. 'SaveCanada' Punks TransCanada. Out of the Furnace: Movie. A Bold Plan to Fix the Mortgage Mess. The Musical Genius: Derek Paravicini. New Drugs for Old Bugs.

Out of the Furnace: Movie

From Scott Cooper, writer and director of Crazy Heart, a gripping and gritty drama with an all-star cast. A soldier returning from Iraq gets lured into one of the most ruthless crime rings in the Northeast and mysteriously disappears.

New Drugs for Old Bugs

We should all be worried by the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and we urgently need to develop new drugs. In this discussion with Nobel laureates, researchers propose alternative ways to find drugs; some cutting edge, such as computation, and some ancient, such as searching for chemicals deep in the rain forest.

Media Bits & Bytes - I Spy Edition

WikiLeaks Rescues Edward Snowden (Literally!); Correcting Bruce Sterling's Revisionist Cyber-History; Lavabit Email Encryption Service, Bites the Dust; Turf Wars in the Internet Underworld; Pirate Bay Turns Ten!

Friday Nite Videos -- June 21, 2013

Why the World Cup should not be Brazil's priority. Flashmob Carmina Burana. John Oliver, immigration and pro wrestling. Gandolfini's other work: Wartorn. Movie: How to Make Money Selling Drugs. Dance-off at the office.

Tidbits - June 13, 2013

Reader Comments - Dirty Wars and Jeremy Scahill,; Alice Walker's open letter to Alicia Keys; Syrian proxy war; False economic recovery; NSA spying; It's the Corporations; We Steal Secrets; Baseball and drugs; Spain and the International Brigades - today; Berlin demonstrations against Obama visit; Announcement - Milton Rogovin DVD now available on sale
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