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A Decade of Flat Wages

Lawrence Mishel and Heidi Shierholz Economic Policy Institute
The priority has to be jobs now, rather than any deficit reduction. On top of lowering unemployment, policy should also restore the bargaining power of low- and middle-wage workers. This means aggressively increasing the minimum wage; it means reestablishing the right to collective bargaining for higher wages; it means guestworkers should have full rights to the same labor market protections as resident workers; it means paying attention to job quality and wage growth.

Future of Milwaukee Depends on Raising Poverty Wages

By Matthew Finnell Wisconsin Jobs Now!
Through outreach, organizing, and advocacy workers can improve their wages, hours, and benefits through direct action and by enacting pro-worker policies. The only reason manufacturing jobs paid well in the first place was because workers demanded that they did decades ago.

Government is Hurting the Economy - by Spending too Little

Ezra Klein Washington Post Wonkblog
In light of the report that the economy contracted in the last quarter of 2012 due partly to cutbacks, Ezra Klein notes that one man's big government socialism is another man's premature and destructive fiscal retrenchment.
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