Ryan sits down with Rohit Chopra, the former director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau now essentially shut down by President Trump. They talk about Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon, and the landscape of Tech Bros unleashed on America.
A POLITICO analysis shows that pandemic-era policies reversed the trend toward a widening income gap. The move away from them threatens those gains. Which way will Biden turn?
As negotiations with congressional Republicans over raising the debt ceiling drag on, at least five U.S. senators are circulating a letter that urges President Joe Biden to prepare to invoke the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Due to the stock market downturn, public pensions invested in private equity are about to face a reckoning — but thanks to lax transparency regulations, pension members have no way of knowing how bad it might get.
Workers started the unfair labor practice strike over claims of bad faith bargaining by Warrior Met Coal over a new union contract. The strike has cost the company an estimated $6.9 million.
The increase in US billionaire wealth has surpassed $1.1 trillion since mid-March, 2020, more than enough to pay for all the relief for working families contained in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package proposed by President Biden.
Dozens of leaked documents from Amazon reveal the company’s reliance on Pinkerton operatives to spy on warehouse workers and the extensive monitoring of labor unions, environmental activists, and other social movements.
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