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When Being Gay Meant Going Underground

John Self The Guardian
These beautifully written letters, diary entries and extracts from novels, skillfully edited by Peter Parker, add up to an essential study of postwar gay life.


How Jeremy Corbyn Was Toppled by the Israel Lobby

Michael Steven Smith Mondoweiss
Asa Winstanley's new book shows how the Israel lobby weaponized antisemitism to create a new McCarthyism to bring down Jeremy Corbyn and those building a genuine socialist Labour Party.

Doctors in Britain Go on Four-Day Strike

Sachin Ravikumar Reuters
Junior doctors in Britain began a four-day strike over pay on Tuesday that is likely to cause unprecedented disruption to the state-funded National Health Service (NHS), prompting the government to warn of a risk to patient safety.

Damning Imperialism: Marx's Writing on China

Nick Matthews Morning Star
Working for the New York Daily Tribune, Marx excoriated the British empire’s opium trade that brought China under its influence with a staggering human cost


The Political Creativity of Sylvia Pankhurst

Martha Sonnenberg New Politics
A classic text’s reissue charts a key British feminist rebel’s life and work from her organizing immigrant and working women in London’s East End and building the emerging British labor movement to her revolutionary politics and her anti-fascism.
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