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Tidbits - Apr. 15, 2021 - Reader Comments: Daunte Wright Murder; Jim Crow Then and Now; Georgia voter suppression; Prince Philip, Cuba blockade, New York Health Act, "Working-Class New York" Revisited conference; Zoom events;, more...

Reader Comments: Daunte Wright Murder; Jim Crow Then and Now; Georgia voter suppression; Prince Philip, Cuba, New York Health Act, "Working-Class New York" Revisited conference, African American Women, Cold War, Ben Fletcher,Black Wobblies, more...


Eric Hobsbawm in the ‘London Review’: A Value-laden Selection

Richard J. Evans London Review of Books Blog
Eric Hobsbawm, among the most pre-eminent and valued Marxist historians of the late twentieth century, frequently reviewed for the London Review of Books. Here, a prominent British author does a dig into some of Hobsbawm’s many signal LRB essays.

Tidbits - Dec. 10, 2020 - Reader Comments: Biden First 100 Days; COVID Stimulus; Unions and Green New Deal; Social Security; Wear a Mask; Antisemitism; Jeremy Corbyn Affair; Refusing to Serve in Israeli Army; Intifada 33rd anniversary; lots of resources;

Reader Comments: Biden First 100 Days; What Kind of COVID Stimulus; Unions and Green New Deal; Who Gets Social Security; Wear a Mask; Antisemitism; Jeremy Corbyn Affair; Refusing to Serve in Israeli Army; Intifada 33rd anniversary; lots of resources;

The Tragedy of Jeremy Corbyn

Joshua Leifer Jewish Currents
Criticism of Israeli policies and expressions of Palestine solidarity, while always to some degree controversial, had long been part of acceptable political discourse on the British left-of-center. That is no longer the case.

What Black America Means to Europe

Gary Younge New York Review of Books
Many have attempted to claim that `things are better here' for black people than in the US. This ignores both Europe's colonial past and its own racist present.
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