Interview with Dr. Maurice Jackson about his new book on the use of sport and music. Traditionally not fields touched on extensively in intellectual history, the book builds on both of these to create a rich tapestry of life in Washington, D.C.
Yarvin serves exactly one purpose, and that is to spread the idea that this country would be better served by a dictatorship of capital, spearheaded by tech elites and their allies in government.
Amid rising global challenges, including the surge in populist right-wing ideologies and authoritarian governments, the global union movement stands firm in its commitment to gender equality and women’s rights.
This book, writes reviewer Reeves, "ought to be read by anyone interested in equality, and also anyone interested in people, history, God, politics, religion, nationalism, war or love."
Martin Luther King's speeches from 1954's Montgomery Bus Boycott to the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike. Compiled by Abdul Alkalimat, Prof Emeritus Dept of African American Studies and School of Information Sciences, Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
International team of researchers has uncovered the incredible genetic diversity hidden within the ancient remains of those who once called Machu Picchu home.
Despite important strides that the United States has made toward racial equality in the 60 years since the March on Washington, we have yet to address the persistent poverty and unemployment that turned Martin Luther King’s dream “into a nightmare.”
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