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'Strike for Black Lives' to Highlight Racism - Monday, July 20

Aaron Morrison Associated Press (AP)
A coalition of labor unions with racial and social justice organisations will stage a mass walkout to highlight racism July 20. Groups include Service Workers (SEIU), Teamsters, Teachers, Farmworkers, Domestic Workers and the Movement for Black Lives

What Black America Means to Europe

Gary Younge New York Review of Books
Many have attempted to claim that `things are better here' for black people than in the US. This ignores both Europe's colonial past and its own racist present.


Top 10 Books About Black Radicalism

Kehinde Andrews The Guardian
In honoring Black History Month, the author lists 10 superlative books by radical voices instrumental in cohering modern black thought.


Henry Louis Gates Jr. on the ‘Stony Road’ for Black Americans

David Luhrssen Shepherd Express (Milwaukee)
The highly regarded scholar's latest work tackles the deep roots of white nationalism as it emerged from conflicts surrounding Reconstruction and the failure of post-Civil War governments to stamp down racism and secure genuine emancipation.
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