As president, Becky Pringle said her mission is to “lead a movement to reclaim public education as a common good.” She wants to transform the system into one that is racially and socially just and equitable.
A coalition of labor unions with racial and social justice organisations will stage a mass walkout to highlight racism July 20. Groups include Service Workers (SEIU), Teamsters, Teachers, Farmworkers, Domestic Workers and the Movement for Black Lives
For decades I argued for separation between Israelis and Palestinians. Now, I can imagine a Jewish home in an equal state. The two-state solution is dead. It’s time for liberal Zionists to abandon Jewish–Palestinian separation and embrace equality.
Community education cannot be considered an “add-on” — we must center it as an integral part of our ongoing organizing. We need to understand the need for political education-- taking lessons from work on Israel/Palestine and anti-Islamophobia.
Many have attempted to claim that `things are better here' for black people than in the US. This ignores both Europe's colonial past and its own racist present.
What happened to Floyd happens every day in this country, in education, in health services, and in every area of American life, it's time for us to stand up in George's name and say get your knee off our necks.
Yet there’s one peculiar effort toward fake equality that must be vehemently opposed by feminists of all genders . . . drafting women – or anyone – into the US military.
This is the perfect time to read the entirety of Frederick Douglass’s famous speech (from 1852), and not merely because of the date on the calendar.(Dave Zirin)
The highly regarded scholar's latest work tackles the deep roots of white nationalism as it emerged from conflicts surrounding Reconstruction and the failure of post-Civil War governments to stamp down racism and secure genuine emancipation.
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