Facebook: "Let's You and Him Fight". Downtown Train | Rod Stewart. Trump’s Self-Pardon Claim: Pardons Are for Criminals. Bernie Sanders to Disneyland: 'We've Got Families Struggling'. Donald Trump Struggles With Lyrics to God Bless America.
Urban spaces are often designed as subtly hostile to certain uses. Think about seat partitions on bus terminal benches that make it harder for the homeless to sleep there or decorative leaves on railings in front of office buildings and university campuses that serve to make skateboarding dangerous.
Republicans on and off the bench are moving to kill unions. But millennials—the most pro-union generation since the 1930s—may yet find a way to organize.
Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower: 'We Spent $1M Harvesting Millions of Facebook Profiles'. Hallelujah Parody - Letter to Wayne LaPierre and the NRA. Robert Mueller Is Following the Middle East Money. What 1,600 Students Think About School Shootings. New Scandal Shows Zuckerberg Still Puts Kremlin
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg breaks his silence and admits a “breach of trust” after a hidden video scandal reveals political dirty tricks. Roger McNamee, a former mentor to Zuckerberg and an early investor in Facebook calls the response “totally inadequate”.
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