The following is a press statement from Mahmoud Khalil’s wife. Khalil was unconstitutionally arrested by ICE agents over the weekend. "I am pleading with the world to continue to speak up against his unjust and horrific detention ....."
Trump’s promise of widespread deportations won’t happen without defining a wave of new ‘illegals’ into existence. Immigration detention has become a $3 billion industry fusing for-profit prisons with immigration policies built to “secure” the border.
Donald Trump has vowed to launch a mass operation that could involve a force larger than the U.S. Army — and he promises that it will be a “bloody story.”
Central to "Cousins" is the struggle of the Maoris to retain ownership of their age-old lands in the face of settler colonialism dating back to the British invasion of Aotearoa/New Zealand by 1840.
I have lived it and I have suffered through it and I know that when people say “get in line,” there is no line. I am here to try to change the system so that people have a pathway and if they choose to become a citizen, they can.
...little attention is being paid to the millions of people in the most overcrowded conditions that are ripe for the spread of this contagious and deadly virus: the people behind bars in America’s jails, prisons, and immigration detention centers.
Reader Comments: Trump Betrays Workers; Bernie, Bloomberg, Labor, Nevada Outcome and Culinary Workers; Trump Torture of Immigrants; The Value of Portside - Why So Few Contribute; Resources; Announcements; and more .....
Reader Comments: Impeachment Matters; 2020 Elections and Anti-War Vote; Trump Jobs Creation are Low-Wage; Free Public Transit - Kansas City Sets Example; Family Separation as Nativity Scene; Greta Thunbeg: TIME Person of Year; Resources; Announcement
The targeting of immigrants is intimately linked to a long record of labor repression and civil liberties violations — which eventually target the native-born, too.
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