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Sticking With High Rates Will Crash the Economy

Thomas Ferguson and Servaas Storm Institute for New Economic Thinking
In persisting with its high rates policy, the Fed is acting like James Dean in the famous “chicken run” auto race in Rebel Without a Cause.

Time for the Fed To Meet the FTC

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
The real source of too many price hikes is concentrated market power, not macroeconomic overheating.

Why Mainstream Economics Got Inflation Wrong

James K. Galbraith Project Syndicate
Leading economists' misdiagnosis of inflation in 2021-22 was the latest episode in a long-running series of failures. Either mainstream economists need to re-examine their core beliefs, or the profession needs a new mainstream.

Supreme Court Gets Down to Business

Michael Waldman Brennan Center for Justice
The new term is for the megadonors who want a conservative Supreme Court to help them neuter the government regulators who hold power over their businesses.


The Inflation Reality and the Attack on Wages

Arthur MacEwan Dollars and Sense
Inflation has been slowing but mainstream news reports that it is still high, and the Fed continues to talk about "high wages," and is raising interest rates to slow the economy and stop wage growth.

The Fed, the Supreme Court, and Their Legitimacy

Max Moran American Prospect/The Revolving Door Project
The government’s least democratic branches are incompetent and corrupt because they are unaccountable. James Madison would not be surprised…

Tidbits – Mar. 23, 2023 – Reader Comments: Bank Failures, Deregulation and Fed-Raising Interest Rates; He Illegal Invasion of Iraq; Slash Pentagon Budget; Jim Crow South; New Day for UAW; Letters From Langston; US Policy and Taiwan; How Workers Win

Reader Comments: Bank Failures, Deregulation and Fed-Raising Interest Rates; Illegal Invasion of Iraq; Slash Pentagon Budget; Jim Crow South; New Day for UAW; Light Communication; Letters From Langston; US Policy and Taiwan; How Workers Win

Friday Nite Videos | March 17, 2023

House MD Tries to Cure the 'Woke Mind Virus'. No Woman No Cry | Playing for Change. The Origins of the Death Penalty. These Leaked Emails Reveal the Coordinated Attack on Trans Health Care. Interview with Larry Summers | Jon Stewart.
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