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How US Sanctions Torpedoed Kamala Harris

Arun Gupta Jacobin
The Biden administration’s sanctions on Russia didn’t just tank global markets; they also helped Kamala Harris lose the election. The Democrats’ fate was sealed by a Wall Street–fueled commodity frenzy that sent gas prices and grocery bills soaring.

The Oil Merchant in the Gray Flannel Suit

Alexander Sammon The American Prospect
Why aren’t insurance companies aggressively fighting climate change, and minimizing catastrophes? Look at their balance sheets.

Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid

Ellen Brown The Unz Review
No private, unelected entity should have the power over the economy that BlackRock has, without a legally enforceable fiduciary duty to wield it in the public interest.

All the Presidents’ Bankers: Nomi Prins on the Secret History of Washington-Wall Street Collusion

Aaron Mate, Amy Goodwin, Nomi Prins Democracy Now
In her new book, All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, Nomi Prins traces the hundred-year history of collusion between Washington and Wall Street. Prins reveals how a small number of bankers have played critical roles in shaping a century’s worth of financial, foreign and domestic policy in the United States including the Federal Reserve, the response to the Great Depression, and the founding of the IMF and the World Bank.
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