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Fossils Document the Hour After the Meteor Hit

Robert Sanders Berkeley News
A meteor 66 million years ago killed and buried fish, mammals, insects and a dinosaur, the first victims of Earth’s last mass extinction. The death scene of the hour of impact has been excavated at an unprecedented fossil site in North Dakota.

Siats - A New Mega Dinosaur

Move over, T. rex. Sian meekorum is a new, 100 million year old carnivorous dinosaur, rivaling T. rex is size and predating it by some 40 million years. Sian, whose fossils were discovered in Utah, is one of the two or three largest North American dinosaurs.

A Million Years Before 'Lucy,' There Was 'Ardi'

More than a million years older than "Lucy," some nearly complete skeletons of Ardipithecus ramidus and thousands of associated fossils provide the most detailed snapshot of our earliest upright ancestors.

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