However one might reject their premises, some fraction of the American men who have succumbed to the lure of Trump’s fascism need to feel seen and heard and recognized. Saving the country from tyranny needs to become aspirational for men.
Women in unions are paid higher wages and experience smaller wage gaps than non-unionized women. Unionized women who work full time are typically paid 19% more than women who are not in a union, resulting in them making roughly $10,000 more a year.
“We need to have a grown-up conversation about what kind of system do we need, that will stop this ridiculous, outrageous harming that we're doing to ourselves and the planet.” - Gail Bradbrook
Women are registering to vote in numbers I never witnessed before. The gender gap has skyrocketed. Every poll we consume over the closing weeks of this election will rely on a likely voter model for which we have no benchmark.
For all women who have lost their jobs during this pandemic, Black women and Latinas who perform the bulk of essential work during lockdown, for all Black and Brown elders who have lost their lives, capitalism is their preexisting condition.
This book has received a lot of attention since its publication, as a pioneering study of not just the fact of gender discrimination in the tech industry, but also as a glimpse into how such discrimination works.
Major labels pay women 30 percent less than men, the industry's workforce is 70 percent male, and only 14 percent of U.S. music festival performers are women.
Reader Comments: How American Politics Has Changed - Rigging the Election and Defeating Trumpism; Labor and Standing Rock - #NoDAPL; Vietnam Remembers Tom Hayden; Cubs Tribute; Push Obama to Pardon Oscar L¢pez Rivera;
Resources: Gender pay gap calculator; How do we move people?;
Children's books with social justice themes; African American Pamphlets and Magazines archive;
Announcements: New York, Seattle, Washington, DC, Chicago; and more....
Drawing from research in labor and economic history, this post evaluates the validity of each of these claims; overall, while it’s likely that automation will benefit socially aware individuals, it’s less likely to reduce the gender gap in employment.
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