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Global Left Midweek - Labor Day Special

Workers' Rights, TT Strike, Pilots and Cabin Crews Win, Workers and Peasants vs. Modi, Mexican Workers and Trump's New Treaty, Class in Ontario


Whose Strike?

Alex Gourevitch The Current Moment
Calling for a general strike now bears no relation to what mass strikes have meant in the past. The flight from reality shows up in activists’ blasé attitude to history and their very distant relationship to the working class.


Over 1,000 Arrested in Bengal Amid Violence During Trade Unions’ Countrywide Strike

Kolkata, Kochi, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Chandhigarh The Times of India
Millions responded to a strike called by seven trade union centers in India. According to one union leader, "this is reflection of disenchantment of the working class. The government should learn its lessons from the strike. We are ready to discuss and reach a consensus. If the government does not take its lessons, the movement will be intensified.


Greeks Take to Streets Again Amid General Strike Over Job Cut Plans

Helena Smith The Guardian
Commentators questioned the wisdom of inflicting further austerity on a nation where more than 1.3 million are out of work, salaries have been cut by an average 25%, and poverty has been imposed on more than a third of the entire population.
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