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Friday Nite Videos | May 18, 2018

The Biggest Myths About Socialism. Black Eyed Peas - Street Livin'. Donald Jr.'s Testimony Summarized: 'I Do Not Recall'. Google Employees Quit Over Military Drone Program - Project Maven. Why Israelis and Palestinians Both Claim Jerusalem.

Friday Nite Videos | November 3, 2017

Law & Oranger. Fats Domino | Ain't That A Shame. Time Travel in Fiction. John Kelly Has Lost the Benefit of the Doubt. Silicon Valley Answers to Congress Amid the Russia Probe.

Monopoly Men

K. Sabeel Rahman Boston Review
After an eventful summer in Silicon Valley, there is blood in the water. At stake is democracy itself.

Why Big Tech Companies Are Open-Sourcing Their AI Systems

Patrick Shafto
Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Amazon have been making remarkable progress in artificial intelligence. Recently they have released much of their work to the public for free use, and adaptation. This seems bizarre: why would companies reveal the methods at the core of their businesses? And what does their embrace of open-source AI say about the current state of artificial intelligence?

Tidbits - May 28, 2015 - California Oil Spill; Baltimore; Bernie; Waco White Riot; Freedom for Oscar López Rivera New York - May 30; and more...

Reader Comments - California Oil Spill; Baltimore; Bernie Sanders Campaign; Waco and White Riot; Freedom for Oscar López Rivera - New York March May 30; Why Libraries Matter; Cold War Modernist; Announcements - Last Cold War Spycase - film showing - Washington - June 7; National Healthcare Strategy Conference in Chicago Oct. 30 Today in History - The Paris Commune - 144 Years Ago; Today Marks 5 Years in Confinement for Chelsea Manning

Ensnaring Kids in 'Advertising Empire'

Child advocates charge that Google's YouTube Kids app, marketed as family-friendly and child-appropriate, is in fact neither, featuring "disturbing" and "potentially harmful" content.


Culture After Google

Emilie Bickerton New Left Review #92 (Second Series), March-April 2015
Anatomy of a cultural product with the potential to ameliorate social inequities but threatened by digital corporate conglomeration and hijacking by the security state. Book covers the implications for cultural democracy in various sectors-music, film, news, advertising-how battles over copyright, piracy and privacy laws have evolved, counterpoints to invasive data-mining and a "People's Platform" supporting the politics of a fightback.

Search Warrants Against WikiLeaks Staff: Justice Department, Google & US Media Silence Threaten Press Freedom

Kevin Gosztola Firedoglake
As of 10:30 PM EST, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, NBC News, CNN and other outlets had not published any reports. The legal precedents created as the government pursues WikiLeaks are the same legal precedents that can always be used to go after other journalists in the future. American journalists maintain their collective silence at their profession’s own peril.
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