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Tidbits – May 9 – Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more.....


The UAW’s 2028 National Strike Should Center Medicare for All

United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain has called on unions to come together for a national strike in 2028. This is a radical idea — and elevating Medicare for All as a central demand would give workers across sectors a reason to join in.

Tidbits – Mar.28 2024 – Reader Comments: Ceasefire, Standing With Palestinians; RFK, Jr; Government Numbers About…; Single-Payer Saves-Report France; Greatest Baseball Films; Seafood’s Potential; Käthe Kollwitz – New Exhibition at MOMA in New York

Mar 28, 2024 - Reader Comments, Announcements, Cartoons Portside
Reader Comments: Demand for Gaza Ceasefire, Standing With Palestinians; RFK, Jr; Government Numbers About...; Single-Payer Saves-Report France; Greatest Baseball Films; Seafood's Potential; Käthe Kollwitz - New Exhibition at MOMA in New York; more
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