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UN Declares 2016 The Year of Pulses

Judie Bizzozero Natural Products Insider
The United Nations has declared 2016 the International Year of Pulses, nutritious sources of protein which include peas and many kinds of dried beans.


Processed or Ultra-processed: is there a difference?

Andy Bellatti Eating Rules
To combat the voices of health advocates who expressed concerns on the health effects of the Standard American Diet, which is high in processed foods, the food industry cast doubt and reframed the conversation on processed foods.


For Tableware: Size Matters!

Midland News Express & Star Midland News Express & Star
Smaller tableware 'could help reduce over-eating and obesity.' Shrinking the size of plates, knives, forks and glasses could go some way towards tackling over-eating and obesity, a study suggests.
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