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From War Protestors to Labour Activism: India’s First IT Workers Union is Being Formed in Tamil Nadu

Vinita Govindarajan
A group of young professionals, who initially organized to protest the treatment of Tamils in Sri Lanka, went on to form the Young Tamil Nadu Movement to highlighting problems such as caste oppression, minority rights and gender inequality in the workplace. They have since established the Forum for Information Technology Employees with chapters in nine cities including Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi.

High-Tech Workers, Jobs, College Graduates and Immigration

Richard Trumka, Hal Salzman, Daniel Kuehn, B. Lindsay Lowel
Companies want a massive expansion of visa holders so they can pay them less. This is about powerful companies pursuing lower wages. "Immigration helps America. People who come here to pursue their dreams and aspire to be citizens strengthen our country. America's unions embrace immigrants and new citizens. We worry about corporations firing or passing over qualified American workers in order to import temporary foreign workers at lower wages." (AFL-CIO)
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