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Hillary Clinton's Win in New York Raises Tough Questions for Bernie Sanders and His Supporters

D.D. Guttenplan The Nation
Bernie Sanders should keep running, but he needs to lay out what exactly he's fighting for. Time and again the Sanders challenge has forced Clinton off dead center. Sanders's supporters can also take comfort in the certainty that it is they - the millions of $27 donors-who represent not only the future of the Democratic Party and the only hope for democracy in this country.

Why Progressives Need a National Electoral Strategy - and Fast

Bill Fletcher, Jr. AlterNet
In the current cycle are two related but distinct problems. First, progressives have no national electoral strategy to speak of. Second, elections cannot be viewed simply or even mainly within the context of the pros and cons of specific candidates. Progressives are very divided about the relative importance of electoral politics, and our near exclusive focus on the candidates, that there is no coherent national progressive electoral strategy.

Tidbits - April 21, 2016 - Reader Comments: Neo-Nazis in Austria; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement; Bernie, Hillary; Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill; and more...

Reader Comments: Report from Austria - Neo-Nazis Rise Again; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement from Marilyn Albert; Bernie, Hillary - Krugman, Latin American polices promoted by Secy. Clinton; Israeli Conscientious Objector; Jackie Robinson - readers correct the story; This Week in History - Celebrating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Announcement - Jeremy Corbyn and the State of Working Class Politics in Britain - New York - May 26

Tidbits - April 14, 2016 - Reader Comments: Mine Safety; Panama Papers Fallout; Chicago Police Spying; Minimum Wage Hikes; Bernie, Hillary; whites and the working class; and more

Reader Comments: Panama Papers fallout; Controversy over whites as part of the working class; Mine Safety and Blankenship Jail Sentence; Minimum wage hikes discussion; Bernie and labor, Wisconsin victory; Wall Street and Glass-Steagall; Hillary and labor, Wall Street and fracking; Pope Francis; Announcements: Gerald Horne book signings - Baltimore, Washington and New York; China Labor Relations; Communists in the Civil Rights Movement


Hillary Clinton for President

Greg Heires DC 37 BLOG
DC37, AFSCME, the largest municipal public employees union in New York City, urges its members and retirees to cast their vote for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary on April 19. The editorial points out that "Clinton is arguably the most qualified candidate for U.S. President in modern times. Throughout her long career in public service, she has always been a stalwart friend of labor, including our union."


Hillary Clinton for President

Greg Heires DC 37 BLOG
DC37, AFSCME, the largest municipal public employees union in New York City, urges its members and retirees to cast their votes for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party Primary on April 19. The editorial says "Clinton is arguably the most qualified candidate for U.S. President in modern times. Throughout her long career in public service, she has always been a stalwart friend of labor, including our union."

Friday Nite Videos -- April 8, 2016

Was Hillary Influenced by Bankers? Elizabeth Warren Answers. Crosby Stills Nash & Young | Teach Your Children. Samantha Bee | Team Cruz. Rachel Maddow Interviews Jane Sanders. Panama Papers: Shadow Economy for the World's Elites.

Bernie, Hillary, and Fractivism 2.0 in NY

Ari Phillips Fusion
Since NY has banned fracking, a lot of people are working to try and develop clean energy at the state, county, and local levels. These efforts together are known as “fractivism 2.0.” “They’re trying to prevent the country and the planet from digging their own graves by committing ourselves to another 50 or 100 years of burning fossil fuels.”
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