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Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

Michael Kranish and Robert O'Harrow Jr. Washington Post
The Trumps retained Roy Cohn, who two decades earlier had been a top aide to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during his infamous effort to root out communists in government. Cohn portrayed the Trumps as the victims and counter-sued the government, demanding it pay them $100 million for falsely accusing them of discrimination . . . Goldweber, the Justice lawyer who originally argued the case, said it was a clear government victory. That’s not how Donald Trump considered it.

Growing up in an SRO

Single Beige Female Ripple
What could you accomplish if your whole family lived in a single room?

The Cheapest Way to End Homelessness ... Build Homes, Says New Study

Drake Baer Business Insider
"Close to half of all county expenditures were spent on just five percent of the homeless population, who came into frequent contact with police, hospitals, and other service agencies, racking up an average of $100,000 in costs per person annually." That's a ton of money. And it's why the simplest solution to ending homelessness — giving them homes — makes so much sense.

6 Lessons for the U.S. from Spain's Democratic Revolution

Erica Sagrans In These Times
How Spain's 15M movement went from occupying city squares to city halls-without compromising its independence. An important part of progressives' recent electoral success can be traced to a strong network of locally organized 'social centers' across Spain. These are spaces where community members can interact and share ideas, whether that means organizing a demonstration, taking Zumba classes or checking out library book.


Kicked to the Curb

Alex Pareene Book Forum April/May 2015
Gentrification is no myth, and saying so is magical thinking. Through oral histories and a solid grasp of urban history and urban geography, journalist GW Gibson shows not just its quite palpable and direct contribution to the displacement of low-income people, but, using New York City as his template, traces the radical decline of affordable housing city-wide. Case closed!


Darkness on the Edge of Town

Laura Wexler The Washington Post
Chief Justice John Roberts grew up in a town that banned black residents. Places like Long Branch, Ind., were often called Sundown Towns. Only whites were allowed on the streets after dark. James W. Loewen published the first study of these towns ten years ago, just as Roberts was named to the court. Laura Wexler published one of the few reviews of the book. Along with the review, below, are links to the book's website and to the book's introduction.

One-Fifth of Detroit's Population Could Lose Their Homes

By Rose Hackman The Atlantic
As Detroit seeks to leave bankruptcy behind and get back on its feet—ramping up development with construction of a light rail and a new hockey arena that will cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars—it is simultaneously bearing witness to a process that could evict up to 142,000 of its residents, many of whom are too poor to pay their property taxes.

That's Got Shall Get

Nathalie Baptiste The American Prospect
Two years after we last investigated the the foreclosure crisis in most affluent black county in America, things aren't exactly looking up—except, maybe, for the banks.
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