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Why Biden Should Run on Climate

Bill McKibben Common Dreams
It’s a strong triple threat to say: Trump will take away your rights. He will take away your democracy. And he will take away the planet you’ve known.

Ask a Scientist: How To Avoid Climate Disaster

Elliott Negin Union of Concerned Scientists blog
The Inflation Reduction Act's $400B investment in clean energy will make a significant dent in emissions, but not enough to meet US carbon reduction goals. A Union of Concerned Scientists team showed how to lower emission by 50 percent by 2030.


The UAW Is Right To Withhold Its Endorsement of Joe Biden

Paul Prescod Jacobin
The United Auto Workers is refusing to endorse Joe Biden until he commits to backing an electric vehicle transition that creates good union jobs. The union’s new reform leadership is absolutely right to hold Biden’s feet to the fire.

Six Ways Existing Economic Models Are Killing the Economy

Nick Hanauer The American Prospect
Economic models do not, and never can, fully reflect the extraordinary complexity of human markets. The point is to create useful abstractions to provide decision-makers with a sense of the budgetary and economic impacts of a given policy proposal.

How the Working Families Party Helped the Dems Defy Gravity

Joe Dinkin and Natalia Salgado Medium
Reaction to the Republican Supreme Court’s attack on abortion rights, drove high Democratic turnout, especially among women and young voters, saw Democrats overperform polls in many places, just as in summer special elections in New York and Alaska.

Why Resolving Democrats’ Internal War on Climate Policy Will Be Hard

Kate Aronoff The New Republic
Details on the permitting reform demanded by Senator Manchin remain scant. Many fear it could prove a giveaway to fossil fuel companies. The majority leader seems determined to see it through, despite ever more Democrats expressing their skepticism.
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