In the wake of neo-fascist coup attempts — and the ongoing threat they pose in the U.S. and Brazil — it’s worth revisiting historical analogies on how to challenge the fascist plague before it metastasizes, endangering people the world over.
Judith Berlowitz’s historical novel offers readers a peek into the Spanish Civil War and the idealism that brought people from across the globe together to fight for democratic governance and human rights.
Anything we can do to bring the sacrifices and bravery of the International Brigaders to a wider public consciousness is a reminder that we too must join the fight against fascism.
Almudéver was a fighter with his whole being, a man unable to give up because he doesn’t know how to surrender, because it’s not right to surrender to oppression.
Hemingway, Orwell and a host of others have written gainfully on the International Brigades’ resistance to Spanish Fascism. The book under review, based on extensive interviews and deep research, is considered by the reviewer to be the masterwork.
Bertolt Brecht on whistle-blowers, those who oppose their own governments immoral activities; Reader Comments on NSA Spying; Civil Liberties Suit; Edward Snowden; Angela Davis; Undercounting the Poor; Syria; The Rosenberg Case ; Paleo Diet;
Announcements - Meeropol, granddaughter of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; Manifesto and Petition in Support of the Monument to the International Brigades in Madrid - Help by signing.
Reader Comments - Dirty Wars and Jeremy Scahill,; Alice Walker's open letter to Alicia Keys; Syrian proxy war; False economic recovery; NSA spying; It's the Corporations; We Steal Secrets; Baseball and drugs; Spain and the International Brigades - today; Berlin demonstrations against Obama visit;
Announcement - Milton Rogovin DVD now available on sale
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