Musicians Love Making Fun of Bob Dylan
What would it sound like if Paul Simon or John Lennon parodied Bob Dylan? Of course it happened, and here's what it sounds like.
The Beatles | Revolution
Released 50 years ago, in tumultuous 1968, John Lennon's Revolution is considered one of the greatest rock songs. Despite its driving, almost apocalyptic, guitar riffs it is less a celebration of revolution than a succinct rebuke of nihilism and sectarianism.
Friday Nite Videos -- May 23, 2014
John Lennon: Instant Karma
Tidbits - October 10, 2013

I Met the Walrus
In 1969, 14-year-old Beatle fanatic Jerry Levitan snuck into John Lennon's hotel room and convinced him to do an interview. Thirty eight years later this animated short film using the original interview recording as the soundtrack won the 2009 Emmy for 'New Approaches.' For more of Lennon's vision, see the official video of Imagine.
The official video of the most popular song of John Lennon's solo career. Its simple language and graceful harmonies proclaim a powerful vision of all humankind organizing itself around moral principles. See also this Emmy-winning animation based on a brief interview of Lennon by a 14-year-old fan.
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