John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements
John Oliver outlines what, exactly is problematic about Dr. Oz and the nutrition supplement industry. Then he invites George R.R. Martin, Steve Buscemi, the Black and Gold Marching Elite, and some fake real housewives on the show to illustrate how to pander to an audience without hurting anyone.
Friday Nite Videos -- June 6, 2014
John Oliver: Net Neutrality
Letting cable companies set the terms for communicating over the Internet is like hiring a dingo as your babysitter. John Oliver explains the "net neutrality" controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.
Tidbits - May 22, 2014
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
These two previews of John Oliver's upcoming (April 27) HBO program Last Week Tonight With John Oliver parody the GOP's recent ads intended to appeal to millenials.
Sir Archibald Mapsalot III
Sir Archibald Mapsalot III explains why the Arab respects nothing like a strong, steady white hand drawing arbitrary lines twixt their ridiculous tribal allegiances.
Frisky Business
Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks New York's stop-and-frisk program is being unfairly stopped and scrutinized even though it's done nothing wrong.
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