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When Truly Stolen Elections Changed the Course of American History

Stan Haynes History News Network
While the recent election fraud allegations have been rejected by the courts due to lack of supporting evidence, there was a time in American history when elections were stolen, their outcomes determined by fraudulent votes, and their results certified by the federal government.

Is Kentucky the New Kansas?

Deborah Yetter Louisville Courier-Journal
On Nov. 8, Kentucky will vote on a constitutional amendment which, if approved, would eliminate the right to abortion in Kentucky's Constitution. The proposed amendment was approved last year by the Republican-controlled Kentucky General Assembly.

Kansas To Vote on Legislature Veto Power Over Governor

Katie Bernard and Jonathan Shorman, The Kansas City Star Governing
Residents will vote on a ballot measure in November that would give the Legislature veto power over rules and regulations issued by Gov. Laura Kelly. The measure was proposed by Kelly’s opponent, Attorney General Derek Schmidt.
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