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Koch Brothers Confidential Donors Exposed

Andy Kroll and Daniel Schulman MotherJones
The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference. A list of one-on-one meetings between VIP donors and the Kochs and their operatives offers a revealing look into their mighty political machine. Read It here

Koch-backed Political Coalition, Designed to Shield Donors, Raised $400 Million in 2012

By Matea Gold Washington Post
The resources and the breadth of the organization make it singular in American politics: an operation conducted outside the campaign finance system, employing an array of groups aimed at stopping what its financiers view as government overreach. Members of the coalition target different constituencies but together have mounted attacks on the new health-care law, federal spending and environmental regulations.

Why Do the Koch Brothers Hate Wolves?

Julie Cart, James William Gibson LA Times, Earth Island Journal
The Save the Lobo rally, paid for by Defenders of Wildlife, featured a man in a wolf costume, children scrawling placards with crayons and people offering videoed testimony to be forwarded to Washington. Down the hall, an anti-wolf event was sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, an organization funded by the conservative Koch brothers. The group screened the documentary "Wolves in Government Clothing." Said one Arizona rancher: "Is this politically driven? Absolutely."

Koch Brothers could make $100 Billion from Keystone XL pipeline

Kevin Grandia The CommonSenseCanadian
A new study released today concludes that Koch Industries and its subsidiaries stand to make as much as $100 billion in profits if the controversial Keystone XL pipeline is given the go-ahead by U.S. President Obama. The report is called the "Billionaires’ Carbon Bomb: The Koch Brothers and the Keystone XL Pipeline."

Koch Pledge Tied to Congressional Climate Inaction

Jane Mayer The New Yorker
Climate-change policy directly affects Koch Industries’s bottom line. Koch Industries, according to Environmental Protection Agency statistics cited in the study, is a major source of carbon-dioxide emissions, the kind of pollution that most scientists believe causes global warming.

Media Bits & Bytes - Hacking, Stalking and Spying Edition

Kochs to Buy L.A.Times? Unions Say "No!"; Massive Biometric Database Proposal Hidden In Immigration Bill; NSA Releases Guide to Internet Spying; Scandal Sheets on the DoJ/AP Leak and Bloomberg Reporters Stalking Their Customers; Hollywood Challenges Books for the Blind; Girl Coder Beats the Boys in Hackathon Competition

Mound of Canadian Oil Waste Is Rising Over Detroit

Ian Austen New York Times
Detroit’s ever-growing black mountain is the unloved, unwanted and long overlooked byproduct of Canada’s oil sands boom. And no one knows quite what to do about it, except Koch Carbon, which owns it. The company sells the high-sulfur, high-carbon waste, usually overseas, where it is burned as fuel.
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