From The Host to Kingdom, Korean filmmakers have used the horror genre as a vehicle for political critique and reached a huge global audience. They’re building on a long international tradition of socially conscious scare stories.
Reader Comments: Holding Oil Industry Accountable; Trump Bankrupt; Netanyahu Middle East Map Without Palestine; Support Striking UAW Auto-workers; Nationwide Free Banned Book Club; Triangle Fire Memorial to be Dedicated; More Announcements; Cartoons
Reader Comments: Right Wing Crusade - Cultural War; Bob Moses Remembered; Olympics, Simone Biles Hero; Masks and Vaccines Because They Work; Cuba; China; Korean War; Puerto Rico; Black Lung; and more ....
What’s often missing from the discussion in the United States, however, is the desires of the South Korean people. For decades, South Korean citizens have been protesting U.S. military bases on their soil.
Due to their scale and provocative nature, the annual U.S.-South Korea combined exercises have long been a trigger point for heightened military and political tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
These themes resonate today: need to limit casualties among “our” troops, who are not necessarily white, though the people who control them usually are; the pretense that “precision bombing” differentiates between “lawbreakers” and “innocents."
Reader Comments: Justice for Ahmaud Arbery; Supreme Court to Decide if Trump Above Law; Re-Open without Testing & Tracing IS Murder; Catholic Church Supports Trump; COVID and China; Federal Works Program; lots of On-Line Events and Resources; more...
We must help bring closure to the longest-standing US conflict now. President Moon is in office for just over three years, and South Koreans’ desire for a formal end to the Korean War is our greatest asset.
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