The Civil War was a revolutionary upheaval that crushed slavery and stoked hopes of a broader emancipation against the rule of property. We should draw on that memory today for struggles against racism and capitalism.
Karen Sieber
Labor and Working Class History Association
Karen Sieber tells us of the effort to honor the memory of slain union organizer Ella May Wiggins and the struggle for power by textile workers in the South.
Mary Anne Transciatti
The Labor and Working Class History Association
Barring any unforeseen obstacle, the Triangle Fire Memorial will be dedicated on the building where the fire happened on the fire’s 112th anniversary, March 25, 2023. It will be New York City’s first labor memorial.
Reader Comments: COVID Vaccines; Hospitals in Trouble; Solidarity and Internationalism in Today's World; Sidney Poitier; Thomas Piketty Turns to Socialism; Rosa Luxemburg; Martin Luther King and Today; Anne and Carl Braden; Labor History; more....
Reluctant Reformers addresses what I think of as the tripwire of U.S. politics: race. But it does so by examining how several social movements, including abolition, women’s suffrage, populism, progressivism, labor, the socialist and communist left..
Unlike most of the other struggles of this era, this strike rested on the firm backbone of the women of the mining families and communities who continued the fight when the men were beaten and jailed and the strike near defeat.
Well-planned strikes are not only a union's most potent weapon, but also the public's best chance of forcing substantive policy changes to improve working conditions, living conditions, and the health of the planet.
Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a time to honor the people of the land that we live on as well as the work that Indigenous people continue to contribute to our labor history.
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