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Tidbits – July 4th – Reader Comments: No One Is Above the Law; About the Debate; Election 2024: A Chess Move, Not a Valentine; Israeli Army Reservists Refusing To Serve; Debra E. Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize – How To Apply; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: No One Is Above The Law; About the Debate; Election 2024: A Chess Move, Not a Valentine; Israeli Army Reservists Refusing to Serve; U.S. Government Officials who have Resigned; Debra E. Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize - How to Apply


The Photographs of the Border

Aviva Chomsky The Nation
In More Than a Wall / Más que un Muro, labor journalist David Bacon offers a politically rich, bilingual compilation of photographs and oral histories. Corporations know no borders, while they rely on the US-Mexico border to keep wages low...


Recent Books of Note for Labor Activists

Labor Notes staff Labor Notes
A number of veteran organizers and labor journalists are publishing books this year that will be of interest to Labor Notes readers. Many of them participated in a "Meet the Author" session at the recent Labor Notes Conference.


Portside Labor Awarded Labor Communicator of the Year

Carl Ginsburg; Kurt Stand; Jay Schaffner Portside
Metro New York Labor Communications Council held its annual convention on May 10 at IBT Local 237. The Communicators of the Year award was presented to the Portside Labor collective. Portside Labor has been a vital resource for the labor community.
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