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The Great Slave Strike That Helped End Slavery

Mark A. Lause Jacobin
Today, on Presidents’ Day, we rightly celebrate Abraham Lincoln for helping end slavery. But we shouldn’t forget the unstoppable force that also brought down the Slave Power: the several million slaves who left the plantation, many of whom joined the Union Army.


Which Workers Are “Strategic” To Organize?

Eric Dirnbach Jacobin
Two key questions confront labor: should unions focus on organizing workers with major strategic leverage in the economy? Or should they welcome any workers willing to fight, since that organizing can constitute a major catalyst for other workers?

How To Get Un-Fired

Jenny Brown Labor Notes
If properly enforced, just cause protections would give all workers more security to stand up to dangerous working conditions, sexual harassment, bullying, speed-up, and wage theft.

The Pandemic Has Exacerbated a Long-Standing National Shortage of Teachers

John Schmitt and Katherine deCourcy Economic Policy Institute
The pandemic exacerbated a preexisting and long-standing shortage of teachers. The shortage is, instead, the result of a lack of qualified teachers willing to work in what has long been a highly stressful job for compensation that is well below what is available to college-educated workers in other professions.

A New Union Rises in the South

Kelly Candaele Capital and Main
The Union of Southern Service Workers is organizing food service, retail and health care workers through direct action against low wages and historical racism.
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