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What’s the Deal With the Latine Vote?

Briana Ureña-Ravelo Prism
The diverse Latine experience, shaped by factors like immigration status, race, and class, is too often oversimplified—both by outsiders and within our own communities

Tidbits – May 11, 2023 – Reader Comments: GOP Defends Sex Offender; Debt Crisis; Child Labor Laws, Population Decline; Yes, I Am Latina. And No, I Am Not Mexican -an Exchange; Vietnam 50 Years Later; Charlene Mitchell Memorial Livestream Link; More

Reader Comments: GOP Defends Sex Offender; Debt Crisis; Child Labor Laws, Population Decline; Yes, I Am Latina. And No, I Am Not Mexican -An Exchange; Vietnam 50 Years Later; Charlene Mitchell Memorial Livestream Link; Yuri Kochiyama; more

Tidbits – Oct. 13, 2022 – Reader Comments: Los Angeles City Hall Racism; Segregation; Amazon Workers; Ukraine War Dissent; COVID-19 Protocols and Feminist Ethics of Care; Abortion Access-A Workers’ Issue; Cartoons; Announcements; More;

Reader Comments: Los Angeles City Hall Racism; Segregation; Amazon workers; Alabama PaperMill Workers; Ukraine War dissent; Covid-19 Protocols and Feminist Ethics of Care; Abortion Access-A Workers' Issue; Cartoons; Announcements; more;

Latino Dems Warn About Midterm Fall-Off

Sabrina Rodriguez Politico
Latino Democrats are increasingly worried that time is running out to do anything that would make a significant difference ahead of the 2022 midterms, when the party needs a robust Latino turnout to preserve its slim majorities in Congress.


Whitewashing the Great Depression

Sarah Boxes The Atlantic
The preeminent photographic record of the period excluded people of color from the nation’s self-image. This collective portrait contributed to the misbegotten idea, still current, that the soul of America, the real American type, is rural and white
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