Reader Comments: Martin Luther King Remembered; Military Budget; Reparations; Progressive Candidates; Taking Care of Amazon and Foxconn; Puerto Rico; Mozambique; Brexit; Venezuela; Resources; Lots of Announcements; and more...
Will the future include an American left consistently able to navigate the often murky challenges of real world politics? Or does it fall back to its traditional, largely non-participant critique, generally delivered from the margins?
State of the Union Responses from Stacey Abrams, Mandela Barnes, Bernie Sanders - full speeches and transcripts; Reader Comments: Combating BDS Act; Green New Deal; Venezuela; Strikes; Resources; Announcements; and more...
Absent a bold, well-articulated working-class program, labor’s agenda risks being crushed by the Democratic Party’s traditional pro-corporate and discredited neo-liberal ideology.
Lisa Brock
Praxis Center – Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership
America’s 45th presidency of Donald Trump has pulled the ugly scab off the bloody sore of racial capitalism and heteropatriarchy baked into the body politic of the United States.
We won’t hold anyone accountable, not even former leftists, unless the mass movements on the grass roots level continue to grow and organize. They won’t grow through elections.
Our most important political task: To flip the U.S. House of Representatives into the hands of the Democrats. Not everyone on the left agrees. Now is the time to elect Democrats – many of whom may not fit the progressive mold – in “swing districts.”
Reader Comments: Guilty Please, Convictions, Rotten at the Top; Electoral Tactics; Puerto Rico - Readers Disagree with Portside Post; Space Force?; Catholic Church Sex Scandal; Dakota Access Charges Dropped; Strikes; Announcements; and more...
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