How do socialist demands become liberal common sense? The history of the New Deal offers a useful lesson. It had a recognition that a good society rests on a sense of mutuality, reciprocity, and community spoke to what was wrong with a market society
An eyewitness account of the 2016 Sanders presidential insurgency that weighs its electoral successes against its ability to form the core of social and economic movement resistance to capital.
Mainstream outlets can’t stop writing about how the DSA’s endorsement of Cynthia Nixon was a model of democracy in action, unlike the Democratic Party.
Total Shutdown in South Africa; Euro Left and Migration; Activism Under Duterte; Argentina vs IMF; Reproductive Rights Victories; Young Activists Go Electoral
It’s a once-in-a-blue-moon event for the Working Families Party to tell voters to stay away from our ballot line. But when Joe Lieberman is making an argument for voting on the WFP line, something is very fishy. So how’d we end up here?
“The left wing of the possible” is how Ocasio-Cortez practices politics. Her agenda is in line with Sanders: single-payer universal health care, equal rights for women, ethnic and sexual minorities, a $15 minimum wage, guaranteed employment.
Reader Comments: Democrats Can't Ignore Left; Trump as Rouge; Reader's Debate Mueller Indictment, Putin as Trump Handler; Trade War; Janus; Teachers; Sexual harassment at Anglo-American University-Prague; Save Univ of Iowa Labor Center; and more....
Midwesterners aren't scared of socialism — they're hungry for it. Some members of the Democratic establishment argue that bold, left-wing platforms can't win elections. They're wrong.
Kinnucan, Brooklyn DSAer tells about building the ground campaign, the need for socialist campaigns and coalition electoral efforts. Yee, Democratic State Committeeman analyzes the district, the candidate. Svart says, DSA is just getting started.
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