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Big Changes Ahead: Let’s Be the Whirlwind

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
However severe the current crisis, and whatever the outcome in November, big changes are coming in how the U.S. economy functions, how this country is ruled and its role in the world.

Seed the Vote: Political Assessment

Jason Negrón-Gonzales Organizing Upgrade
Our goal is not just to push Trump out of office, but to help shift the balance of power in the states where we are working in favor of communities of color, social justice organizations, and labor.

The Left Needs A United Front In Every State

Anthony Thigpenn and Jon Liss Organizing Upgrade
There has been a growing movement of grassroots state power building independent political organizations (IPOs). Drawing lessons directly from this experience, the authors share three specific state-based strategies for organizers and activists.

On the Clock and Off

Peter Shapiro Jacobin
Latino union demonstrators As leftists debate what their labor strategy should look like, many are turning to the rank-and-file strategy. A longtime union activist reflects on a lifetime of struggle in the rank and file.

We Need to be Once Again United for Peace and Justice

The UFPJ Coordinating Committee United for Peace and Justice
There has been a sea change in the last few weeks, a deepening of the crisis of racial and cultural division in this country, instigated by the President of the United States.

Media Bits and Bytes - July 16, 2019

The Chicago Defender; Facial Recognition; Left in the Info Age; Cancel Amazon Prime; Rightists Cry Bias; Detroit Cops and Social Media; Disappearing Local Papers; Too Left for the MSM

Toward a Movement 40 Million Strong

Jon Liss Organizing Upgrade
immigrant rights protest sign The battle over ideas (both in form and content, and as measured by PAC, party, and candidate spending) is breeding cynicism and driving down voter turnout.

Beyond the Rank-and-File Strategy

Max Elbaum Jacobin
car production line The rank-and-file strategy isn't enough. We should examine the broad range of working-class organizing strategies and experiences that are today's socialists' collective heritage.

The Primary Route – Pathway for Democratic Socialists

Tom Gallagher The Stansbury Forum
Will the future include an American left consistently able to navigate the often murky challenges of real world politics? Or does it fall back to its traditional, largely non-participant critique, generally delivered from the margins?
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