Newspaper headlines have called Donald Trump’s victory “decisive,” “massive,” “resounding,” “historic,” and “sweeping.” None of those things are true. Recent public opinion polls reveal that Trump’s professed policy agenda is very unpopular.
In Maestro, Bradley Cooper plays famed conductor Leonard Bernstein but leaves out the complicating — and fascinating — real-life details for a more streamlined, tearjerking product. It’ll doubtlessly do well at the Oscars.
Reviewer Wald praises this book's "grace," for the way its author "puts into conversation the deeply intertwined histories of what he calls 'straight, gay, or otherwise queer' people and the radical anti-capitalist movement."
"The tragic, targeted killing of Lauri over the Pride flag displayed at her Lake Arrowhead store was senseless and, unfortunately, part of a growing number of attacks on LGBTQ people and our allies"
The roots of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe go back 50 years, when zealots preaching a gospel of misogyny and homophobia—led by an accused sexual predator—took over America’s largest Protestant denomination.
The burning of two Pride flags, injuring three people and destroying several homes, aims to spread fear within Baltimore's oldest queer community. Residents have come together to rebuild and establish a police-free safety plan.
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