Workers who bore the brunt of the Covid pandemic at billion-dollar companies such as Dollar General, McDonald’s and Wendy’s are leading a surge in action.
The Movement for Black Lives M4bl
The Movement for Black Lives M4bl
The capitalist system doesn’t just drive wealth inequality—it is designed to exploit and undermine the working class and to protect the power and economic interests of the wealthy.
Something remarkable is happening in fast food establishments, retail stores, and restaurants across America. You may have seen photos of it go viral. You may have even experienced it and the hostess apologizes for extra-long wait times.
Reader Comments: Palestine, U.S. Must Pursue Peace; Creation of Israel, Soviet Union and U.S. Communists; Police Unions; Financial Transactions Taxes; Puerto Ricans in NYC; DC Labor Film Festival; Art of Ralph Fasanella; more....
The industry bemoans benefits, but workers don’t want jobs where pay is low and risks high, say Saru Jayaraman, president of One Fair Wage, and author Mark Bittman.
Students tend to measure fair compensation on two scales. How many years of training and/or dollars of tuition did a worker have to invest to become “qualified” for the job? And how important is that worker’s labor to the rest of society?
Some Instacart and Amazon warehouse workers have walked off the job to demand greater safeguards against the coronavirus, even as both companies are speed-hiring hundreds of thousands of new workers to handle a surge in delivery orders.
Reader Comments: Impeachment Matters; 2020 Elections and Anti-War Vote; Trump Jobs Creation are Low-Wage; Free Public Transit - Kansas City Sets Example; Family Separation as Nativity Scene; Greta Thunbeg: TIME Person of Year; Resources; Announcement
Reader Comments: Economy Not Fine, Half Work Low-Wage Jobs; Reparations; Centrist Dems; Work at Amazon; Chicago Teachers Strike Lessons; UAW GM Strike Was Significant; Resources: Bullies in Blue; Multicultural Children's Books; "I Am Troy Davis"....
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