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Why Scientists Are Marching on Washington and More Than 400 Other Cities; March for Science & Peoples Climate March are Inherently Connected

Joel Achenbach, Ben Guarino, Sarah Kaplan; Chicago Tribune
The Science March is about respecting science, the Peoples Climate March is about acting on it. One march is about listening to science, the other is about acting on it. Today's march, taking place on Earth Day, will march in defense of truth and scientific fact. Next week the Peoples Climate March will put forward a vision to build bold solutions that tackle climate change, create and retain fair jobs, and bring forth justice truly for all.

Earth Day, The Climate Agreement and March for Science

Kathleen Rogers Common Dreams
This year, Earth Day will once again serve as a vehicle for mobilization when, in addition to turning out a billion people and celebrating the First Anniversary of the Climate Agreement, the world will march for science.

Marching for Science: Interview with Rosalyn LaPier

Rosalyn LaPier, Drew Pendergrass Harvard Political Review
I would say that science plays many roles in society; it definitely plays many roles in a democratic society. It is impossible to be completely apolitical, but I think that science is nonpartisan. There really is a difference between being not partisan and being political.
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