Jamie Gangel, Jeremy Herb, Marshall Cohen, Elizabeth Stuart and Barbara Starr
For the first time in modern US history the nation's top military officer, whose role is to advise the president, was preparing for a showdown with the commander in chief because he feared a coup attempt after Trump lost the November election.
Violence has not produced justice anywhere. We must build a nonviolent movement in the 21st century that advances a multi-racial democracy that has never before existed in the United States.
Would a Joe Biden administration relieve pressure on China, with less antagonism? Though the rhetoric may be softened, the main thrust of US policy, to prevent Beijing from ever achieving international parity with Washington, is unlikely to change
Reader Comments: Military Command Responds to Trump; 2020 - Will Trump Go? Can Biden Win?; Police, Community Control, #DefundPolice, George Floyd; Police and Labor; Nobel Prize for Cuban Medical Brigades; Resources; Announcements; Cartoons;....more
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