Stand By Me | Playing for Change | Clarence Bekker
“Stand By Me” featuring the PFC Band and Clarence Bekker performing live outside is a powerful rendition of the song that started the Playing For Change movement.
Come As You Are (Nirvana) | Playing for Change
Join us along with 16 musicians from Hungary, Morocco, the USA, and more, for this global rendition of the #Nirvana classic "Come As You Are" honoring 30 years since the release of Nirvana's album 'Nevermind.'
Classical Music and the Color Line
Chile 1973: Manifiesto | Victor Jara (With English Subtitles)
One of the last songs Victor Jara wrote, and a poem composed in his final days, while imprisoned in a Santiago stadium.
Radicals Go Caroling: The Untold Story of Progressive Choirs
NDN Kars | Keith Secola
Legendary singer/songwriter and award-winning musician Keith Secola performs “NDN Kars,” frequently considered a Native American anthem about awareness and empowerment of Indigenous people.
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