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Unions Rise As America’s Defiant Shield Against Trump’s Authoritarianism

Euan Gibb & Ethan T. Young Public Service International
As it becomes increasingly clear what a second Trump presidency means, America's labor movement has positioned itself as democracy's strongest, most important and best-organized line of defense against a sweeping authoritarian agenda.

Friday Nite Videos | April 29, 2022

Why Can’t These Republicans Remember What They Did on January 6th? An Evening with Brendan O'Hara. Starbucks' Illegal Union-Busting Campaign. Gorsuch Challenges U.S. Colonialism in SCOTUS Ruling on Puerto Rico. Sick, and Home All Alone.


Unions Disagree over Biden's Labor Secretary Pick

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and some of his organization’s largest affiliate unions are getting behind Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. But others are pushing Michigan Rep. Andy Levin, a former Service Employees International Union organizer.


Bernie Sanders Wins Endorsement of Nurses' Union

Alice Miranda Ollstein and Holly Otterbein Politico
Sanders will accept endorsement at a rally in Oakland, Calif. on Friday. "Bernie Sanders is, and has been, leading on Medicare for All through his advocacy and Senate legislation,” says Bonnie Castillo, the executive director of the nurses' union.


Number of Women, Minorities in Labor Leadership Called Dismal

Jaclyn Diaz Bloomberg Law/ Daily Labor Report
Leaders must also know when it’s time for a new person to take the helm. To keep new blood flowing through the labor movement, older leaders have to make room for their successors, RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United, said. “You have to get out of the way. You can’t just talk about it,” she said. “If you’re a leader, a strong leader, you step down and open that up to someone you believe reflects where this union needs to be.”
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