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Sunday Science: Signs of Science

Dimitri Selibas Science
CyberTracker, software developed in collaboration with Indigenous trackers, is enabling almost anyone to collect complex biodiversity data

Celebrating Links Across Species Amid a Nightmare of War

Rebecca Gordon TomDispatch
Did you know that Gaza — well, Palestine — even has a national bird? The Palestine sunbird is a gorgeous creature, crowned in iridescent green and blue. “This bird is a symbol of freedom and movement, it can fly anywhere."

Sacred Tree or Tree of Paradise? Nature and the Christmas Tree

Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin CounterPunch
Whether the Christmas tree arises out of pagan worship or the nature-based polytheism of Egyptian lore, the Christmas tree plays a special part in our lives today, demonstrating that our relationship with nature goes back millennia.

On Four Global Contradictions

Bill Fletcher Jr., Jerry Harris Convergence
Having an analytical framework to understand the key relationships that define the social conditions and political battles we face can guide us in formulating our strategy and tactics on every level—from local to global.


The Hope of a Suggestion

M. Sophia Newman The Millions
A new book of essays by one of this country's most celebrated poets.

The Ouarzazate Solar Plant in Morocco: Triumphal 'Green' Capitalism and the Privatization of Nature

Hamza Hamouchene Jadaliyya
Ouarzazate is a beautiful town in south-central Morocco, well worth visiting. It is an important holiday destination and has been nicknamed the "door of the desert." That is not all what Ouarzazate has to offer as its name has recently been associated with a solar mega-project that is supposedly going to end Morocco's dependency on energy imports, provide electricity to more than a million Moroccans, and put the country on a "green path."

Leave Fossil Fuels Buried to Prevent Climate Change

Damian Carrington The Guardian
“We’ve now got tangible figures of the quantities and locations of fossil fuels that should remain unused in trying to keep within the 2C temperature limit,” said Christophe McGlade, at University College London (UCL), and who led the new research published in the journal Nature.
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