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What (Really) Happens if Trump Wins? – Hitler – Then and Now

Heather Cox Richardson Letters from an American
Three months after Hitler promised to uphold the German Constitution, the concentration camp Dachau was open. Its first prisoners were not Jews, but rather Hitler’s prominent political opponents. By April, Jews had been purged from the civil service,


We Can Breathe!

Gabriel Winant London Review of Books
The fascinating history of how the antifascist movement of the 1930s created "the left" as we know it today. Joseph Fronczak shows how socialists, liberals, communists, anarchists, and others achieved a semblance of unity in the fight against fascism

Remembering the Holocaust While Gaza Starves

Ariel Dorfman New Lines Magazine
A ceremony at an old food market in Amsterdam prompts reflections on tragedy, indifference and survival. How could so many Israelis feel indifferent to such grief and afflictions — that recalled how so many Germans had turned a blind eye to the Nazis

“Casablanca” Has a Message for Us Today

Greg Olear Prevail
The first time I saw Casablanca was 1992, The most recent was last night. On each viewing, I notice something I hadn’t seen before, walk away with something new. Casablanca is often described as a romance—and it is. It is a drama. It is a war film...

The Shoah After Gaza

Pankaj Mishra London Review of Books
The dark meaning the Israeli state has drawn from the Shoah, and then institutionalized in a machinery of repression. Anyone calling attention to the spectacle of Washington’s blind commitment to Israel is accused of antisemitism, ignoring the Shoah.

This Week in People’s History, Jan 23–29

Photo of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to graduate from a U.S. medical school Healthcare Gets a Powerful Woman Advocate (in 1849), Go Home Nazi! (1949), Work Shouldn't Make You Sick (1979), The Apollo Gets a New Groove (1934), Two Wins for Strike-Breaking (1914), Later for Woman Suffrage (1869), Gallows Humor (1964)
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