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Tidbits - July 1, 2021 - Reader Comments: Voting Rights; Trump Indictment; Defund the Police; Juneteenth; Lidice Remembered; NYC and Unions Sell Out Retirees; Gay History - Readers Debate Portside post; Critical Race Theory; Anti-Racist Resources;

Reader Comments: Voting Rights; Trump Indictment; Defund the Police; Juneteenth; Lidice Remembered; NYC and Unions Sell Out Retirees; Before Stonewall - Readers Debate Portside post; Critical Race Theory; Anti-Racist Resources; and more....


The Rise of Fascism

Geoffrey Jacques Portside
Here is a history of fascism in Europe that may be helpful as we consider this troubled, and troubling, moment.


Buying Nazism

Bill Niven History Today
In the early years of Nazi rule, the vagueness of much Nazi ideology enabled many Germans to see in Nazism what they wanted to see.


Long Past Due: Joan Wallach Scott's On the Judgment of History.

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Three efforts to right historical wrongs - Nuremberg Trials' prosecution of Nazi war crimes but not crimes against its own people, South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation established the former if not the latter, and today's demand for reparations.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Holocaust Paintings

Anna Ulinich The Forward
The exhibition “Rendering Witness: Holocaust-Era Art as Testimony” demonstrates the power of art. The artists may have been silenced in the homicide of the Nazi 's final solution, but their clandestine art work survives as an outspoken memory.

Friday Nite Videos | January 3, 2020

Bernie Sanders' Remarks on Iran Following Suleimani Asassination. Vanishing Voters of Georgia. Why Drugs Are So Expensive. Google and Amazon Are Now in the Oil Business. Cadets Fired for Giving Nazi Salute.
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