The answer, I believe, is easy – very serious indeed. We as a left must build a politics of broad, working-class solidarity to defeat fascism either now or farther down the road than we can currently envision.
The strategy of Bernie Sanders and members of the Congressional Squad is clear: grow the democratic socialist/progressive bloc in Congress and Democratic Party; stand up for the multiracial working class; and resist creeping fascism on every front.
It’s the new normal: armed fascists intimidate elected officials who oppose the President as Republicans either stay silent or – like Trump himself – egg them on.
As the far right grows world-wide through the confluence of traditional conservatives, authoritarian elements, white nationalists and previously marginal fascists, its sway makes struggles against capital problematic. A new book charts alternatives.
Aufstehen -- a new left movement in Germany is designed to counter growing support for right-wing nationalist parties from segments of the working-class. The question is: will it unite a popular movement or be a source of new divisions?
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